I recently attended, along with Bob Allen, Church Team Missionary with N.I.C.E., the Rural Home Mission's Conference at Frontier School of the Bible in Southeastern Wyoming. It was Bob's first time in this neck of the "frontier" and my second. This was a great opport
unity for about five different
organizations to share their ministries in Church Planting, Restoration, Youth Ministry and Camping. I taught a workshop called, "Keeping Hope Alive in Small Town America: The Challenges & Blessings of Rural Ministry." Bob taught "Country Church Meets City Folks: The Impact of the Migration of the City Mindset Into the Country Church." I also shared a multi-media presentation on the
ministry of Northwest Independen
t Church Extension in one of the chapel times. We spent a majority of time answering questions and getting to know students around the table at the various meal times. We hopefully have a couple possibly candidates for ministering with NICE. We also had the opportunity to attend a few classes with the students. One sideline opportunity was a trip to Scott's Bluff in Nebraska, about an hour fro
m the school, where we went to Monument Rock. This
is one of the areas that the Oregon Trail passes through that the pioneers used. Frontier School of the Bible seems to be a solid, biblical school that has a unique ministry for those planning to obtain their BA degree. The students must be involved in an internship program their fourth year; either with a pastor, missionary, camp director, etc. It i
s definitely set in the frontier in the town of Lagrange, Wyoming. Outside of a local store-cafe, auto
shop and a tavern, the school pretty much is the town. They have great facilities and a brand new chapel. Part of our time there was evaluations and discussions with Will Fellows, the Mission's teacher and organizer of the conference. Bob and I enjoyed the trip and spending some quality time getting to know each other better but also participating in the ministry of encouraging the students to seriously consider planting a church or being part of a revitalizing ministry in a church that needs help.