Beautiful weather, great friends, good food and wonderful time of sharing made for another annual picnic at Earl & Shirley Brubakers. They always host us with a beautiful, wooded landscape surrounded by high rise apartments in Tacoma - spittin' distance from the Tacoma Mall. The NICE Board met earlier in the morning to interview Randy and Angela Koch. They will be working with Eric & Jennifer Nyborg

at the Antioch Bible Church in Beaverton.
The kids had a wonderful time romping around, playing on

the trampoline and enjoying the gold fish in the pond. Bob led us in a time of sharing any plans for the fall, what God has done over the last few months and any prayer requests. After a time of prayer Earl, Director of NICE introduced the Koch's as new missionaries with NICE and handed out some NICE travel mugs to any missionaries who hadn't received any y

et. God gave us a beautiful day of calm weather with a gentle breeze to enjoy
