Faith Bible Church Campout & Burn Road Bible Church

On Friday morning, the three of us (Andrew, Katherine & Bob) went to Cougar Rock Campground to spend a couple days with the Faith Bible Church group. Pastor Tim & family went out on Wednesday and some others joined on Thursday. We had a wonderful time of fellowship, time in the Word, singing....and yes, some awesome hikes. Friday the three of us headed down to
Longmire to look through the store and then we took
a short hike around the meadow reading various signs on the history of Longmire (we also had a beautiful view of Mt. Rainier). Then we headed back toward camp but stopped to hike up to Carter Falls. A treat for us was a doe with her two fawns that walked right up to us. We got some pictures and a video. Once everyone got back to camp from their various hikes (some of the group went
up to Paradise), we had dinner and devotions around a nice campfire.
On Saturday morning, five of us men got up at 5:30am and drove up to Paradise Lodge for a 4.4 (1700ft elevation) mile hike up toward Mt. Rainier. We were fortunate to have a
great view all the way up to about the 7000ft height before returning. We could almost reach out and touch Nisqually Glacier we were so close. Boy we're we bushed when w
e got back for breakfast which Katherine, Sarah, and Eric had ready for everyone (Mountain Breakfast Burritos). Pastor Tim shared from a couple Proverbs and some Psalms which were a nice inspiration for the day.Just before lunch we all loaded up to head out for another hike starting at Narada Falls, which ended up be
ing somewhat over 5 miles with some real
nice e
levation in it. We stopped part way through at Reflection Lake and ate lunch. Along the way we saw a fox and took some pictures. We headed out after a wonderful spaghetti dinner arriving home to unload, take showers and prepare for Sunday morning.
The two of us got up early to drive up to the Arlington area for services at Burn Road Bible Church. Pastor Doug took the group through a portion of their Doctrinal Statement for Sunday School and Bob preached a topical message, "Finding Delight in the Word of God" from Psalm 119. Afterwards we went to Doug and Re
ne's home for a delicious lunch and then headed home in the late afternoon. All in all it was a long, but great fulfilled weekend.
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