Dutch Harbor! Known better to most by the PBS production "Deadliest Catch" which ports out of DH, Unalaska. Unalaska is an island on the Aleutian Chain, approximately 800 miles southwest of Anchorge. Many remnants of World War II can still be seen on the island. A number of canneries still operate sending crab, polluck and a variety of other seafood around the world. You'll find no McDonald's, Burger King, Walmarts, Penny's or Macy's. A couple multi-purpose, or what we used to call "merchantile" type stores, provide necessary items. The internet helps tremendously for purchasing needed items not found on the island. A couple small restaurants dot the island for those times when you just don't want to cook a meal. A number of events keep the island a close community like music recitals, ball games at the local schools and Recreation Center, annual Soap Box Derby (the only course in the world with a turn), Roller Blade Hockey, etc. The docks keep busy with barges and ships coming and going. A couple times a year there are Cruise Ships that drop anchor for a short tour.
The weather can be windy and cold with snow in the winter (but not as cold or as bad as Anchorage & Fairbanks) and a few nice sunny days in the summer. A number of churches line the streets of Unalaska; Russian Orthodox, LDS, Bahai', Methodist, Catholic and a couple Evangelical churches (Aleutian Bible Church being one). For an island of around 4,000 there is still a desperate need for the gospel to be spread. Aleutian Bible Church joined the IFCA a couple years back and are seeking to be a Godly testimony to the island folks. They are without a pastor at this point, but praying diligently and hoping for God's provision. Many people ask when we're planning to go back up to Dutch Harbor. Only the Lord knows although we'd love to get back up to see the folks. They are a great encouragement and blessing of faithfulness and perseverance to us. Who knows, if schedules and details work out maybe we'll make it an adventure and pop up late summer using some of our frequent miles. We've never been there in the summer, so this would be a treat. Keep praying with us for the folks at Aleutian Bible Church.
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