Early morning coffee was the routine as we headed out Sunday morning for Wishkah Valley Community Church about 20 minutes north of Aberdeen. Of course the quiet hour of the morning is good for prayer together and

chatting about family and ministry. Arriving in Aberdeen about 8:45am gave us the opportunity to stop for a
"real" cup of coffee at Starbucks. After a short break we headed up to Wishkah for the 9:45am Worship Service; the first Sunday for the new summer schedule. It was great to see many familiar faces and greet some new folk

s. After a time of worship in song Pastor Jim led us in communion to celebrate the Lord's death, burial and resurrection. We sang a few more songs before Bob preached on
"Living Holy & Godly in Light of the End Times" from 2 Peter 3:1-13. He stated seven facts raised by Peter and then spent some time on a major principle from verses 11-13,
"Because the world will
end in severe judgment by God, believers must live in such a way as to exemplify a holy and Godly life." He then developed two primary applications on Holy Conduct and Godliness.

Following the service time we viewed the newly finished Multi-Purpose Building which is lovely. It has a library, a few classrooms, bathrooms, kitchenette and a small multi-purpose area. We spent a couple minutes talking with Pastor Jim before heading out to lunch with a couple in the church. He needed to be at a funeral he was conducting in the afternoon and a baccalaureate at night so they were unable to host us this time

On our way through Olympia we stopped at Denny's to meet John and Judy Wagner, retired missionaries with N.I.C.E. We had a great visit and enjoyed getting updated on what they are doing. They were a great asset for many years to George and Rita Williams and the Forks Bible Church. They have served in Alaska for many years and enjoy

a trip now and then back to Fairbanks to visit their son and family who pastor a church and give oversight to a Christian school.
Then it was off to Faith Bible Church for their evening service at the Silver Creek Retirement Center and a time of fellowship and food at the Atikins home following.