Forks Bible Church

Well, I had a wonderful trip over to Forks this past weekend. The only thing that would have made it better was to have my wife along, but she was unable to attend. Our hope is for the two of us to head back to Forks sometime the first of the year. For those who don't know, the once "log" booming town of Forks has now regained popularity due to the "Twili
ght" books and movie. Not necessarily a bragging point for the church folks of Forks. Som
e of you know that this is my "annual" trek to Forks Bible Church to touch base with the folks through Worship and Fellowship. However, many say my main reason for going is to fish for Salmon and Steelhead. I arrived on Saturday night and visited with Pastor George and Rita Williams, who are always wonderful hosts. Even though Forks & the Forks Bible Church are small, th
ey continue to be busy as a couple with many ministries: Sunday Services in the am & pm, mid-week Bible studies, community outreach, helping in the restoration of the church building, etc. I preached on Sunday morning from James 1 which was interesting since the Adult
Sunday School class was going through the same text. However, a number of folks said it was a subject that needed "double" attention. This was followed by a Soup & Bread dinner and skit by the Pastor & three Elders, with costumes and all. Sunday night Pastor George continued a series through Exodus which was a good study. Monday morning found me and George on the river bank bright and early at 7am, alon
g with about 10 other men. We started out for a few hours catching nothing (unusual for George), while everyone else below us was catching fish. Eventually we moved down river and limited out with our 4 Coho (Silver) Salmon each. The cond
itions were perfect and the expectation on a great amount of fish going through. We were really the sight carrying our four fish each tied to our backpacks, averaging around 10lbs each, up the trail. We headed out again Tuesday morning and I banked the first silver but not much was happening so we went to another location and George brought in two and the guys next to us had brought in three. We've tried to convince our wives that this is work, not play; that we are "providing" for our families. They're not so easily swayed to our thinking. Oh well. All in all it was a good trip and I enjoyed it immensely as always.
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