Planting & assisting churches in biblical growth & development in Washington and Alaska with Northwest Independent Church Extension.
Our Vision
To see Pastor's and Churches ministering the Word effectively in such a way that biblical growth is evidenced and the gospel spreads in a dynamic way throughout the community.
Bob & Katherine Rodgers
Our Purpose
To encourage our Missionary Pastor's and Churches through the preaching & teaching of God's Word, to provide counsel as needed, to give assistance through seminars, retreats, and conferences, to be a listening ear in times of difficulties and to rejoice together as God moves in hearts.
Katherine and I got back last night, more specifically 12:30am this morning, from the Moody Northwest Mission's Conference in Spokane. The Conference was held at Fourth Memorial Bible Church which doubles for the Bible Institute. We began Sunday afternoon with Orientation, setting up the display and a Chili-Potato Bake. This gave us the opportunity to begin touching base with many of the students. There are a little over 300 students at Moody this year which is an increase over last year. We met up with our Inland Northwest Field Director, Roger and Karen Hayden that evening as they drove up after ministering in their church at Cambridge.On Monday morning the Conference officially began with the first General Session. The main speaker was Rev. Abraham Thomas from India who founded Agape Royal Ministries. He spoke for three of the four main sessions. Dr. Gerald W. Peterman, Chair of the Bible department at Moody Bible Institute, spoke for one session. During the main sessions there was a worship time.There was a number of seminars throughout the two days. Roger Hayden taught one seminar titled, "Is Your Church a Lighthouse?" He focused on the "first" impressions churches give when people come to the church and walk through the doors.We had a great time of fellowship with the Hayden's and a number of conversations with other displayers and students. Following the conference we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and fellowship with John & Janet Johnson at a local restaurant in downtown Spokane. We first met John years ago when he would fly into Hailey as a corporate pilot. They also spent a few years at Ravensdale Bible Church as they are related to Matt & Terri Sconce, former N.I.C.E. Missionaries who now live in Minnesota.
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