EBC Men's Retreat-Rock Island-Wenatchee Valley Bible

This past weekend was a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, while Katherine, Sarah Joy, Kimberly and Emma (daughter-in-law and granddaughter), went to "TEA" in Sumner, I headed out to the Edgewood Bible Church Men's Retreat in Ravensdale. This was my first time to Lake Retreat and was an enjoyable time. Our speaker was Steve Janho who is the College Pastor at Crossroads Bible Church in Bell
evue. Steve used to be the Men's Ministry Leader when he and his
family attended Valley Bible Church before his current role. Besides the main sessions there was opportunity for Frisbee Golf and a Basketball Freethrow contest. Katherine picked me up in the early afternoon and we headed to Rock Island where we spent the evening with Dennis and Lori Stark, pastor of the Community Church. The Starks have been at this ministry now for about four
years. While we didn't see any children for Sunday School this particular Sund
ay, there were a dozen or so adults looking through Ephesians 3. Dennis preached from a few different passages on the subject of Thanksgiving. We were tickled to see over 55 people in the Worship service followed by a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings. Boy was it crowded. I told one of the men they need to get the kitchen done and if they keep growing they may have to begin building an addition. It is encouraging to see new faces attending, being baptized, becoming new members a
nd taking on ministry roles. Following our time of fellowship we headed over to the Bong's house so I could participate in the Wenatchee
Valley Bible Church Board meeting. I serve in this capacity along with Pastor Dan and three other men. Katherine and Charlottee (wife of the Treasurer) went for coffee and hang out together during the meeting. In the Evening Service I shared from a variety of passages, via Powerpoint, on the subject of Thanksgiving. I began with Philippians 2:14 sharing concerning the subject of not complaining and disputing about the situatio
ns of life. After a time of fellowship and goodies we made our way over Blewett
and Snoqualmie Pass which saw lots of deer but thankfully not a lot of snow. Unfortunately one deer had been hit in the hindquarters and was still on the road. The hazards of this time of year.
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