Planting & assisting churches in biblical growth & development in Washington and Alaska with Northwest Independent Church Extension.
Our Vision
To see Pastor's and Churches ministering the Word effectively in such a way that biblical growth is evidenced and the gospel spreads in a dynamic way throughout the community.
Bob & Katherine Rodgers
Our Purpose
To encourage our Missionary Pastor's and Churches through the preaching & teaching of God's Word, to provide counsel as needed, to give assistance through seminars, retreats, and conferences, to be a listening ear in times of difficulties and to rejoice together as God moves in hearts.
What a wonderful time we had yesterday at a NICE New Year's Luncheon along with a couple of our IFCA brothers. Usually we have planned either a Thanksgiving Dinner or Christmas Sing Dessert Night. So our thought was this year we'd skip those two events and do something centered around the New Year.We met at Edgewood Bible Church around 12:30pm and enjoyed a great time of fellowship, food and sharing. We broughtsome meats and cheeses and others brought salads and desserts - way more food than we could possibly eat. There were around 30 of us that gathered together. After eating our delicious meal, I (Bob) started us off with a "What's New?" Quiz. All the questions basically had the word "new" in it or some various form. The group didn't do too bad at answering the multiple choice of questions.Afterward, Dr. Roy Sprague shared 5 Things God Wants Us To Know from the book of Jude: Know Your Position, Know Your Profession, Know Your Opposition, Know Your Priorities and Know Your Power. It was a thought-provoking challenge to consider in looking forward or upward as Roy concluded, for 2010.Our Executive Director, Earl Brubaker closed our time in prayer and many of us continued to stay around for more fellowship and dessert. We are thankful for Pastor Frank Emrich and EBC hosting us for this first time event.
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