Edgewood Bible Church held their annual Mission's Conference this past week. It is always a delight to be involved in the Conference. We always bring a display in which to share with the folks the ministry of our Field and N.I.C.E. The Conference began on Wednesday night with Pastor Tim Atkins, one of our Mis

sionary Pastors, sharing the Word from 2 Timothy 1:8-10 on
"Suffering for the Gospel According to the Power of God." The Conference began with an introduction of all the Missionaries that were present for the meetings. On Thursday we were in home with a number of different families for a dessert and sharing of our ministry. Friday night began with an all Church/Missionary dinner and the main session with
Rev. Vincent Price; International Director for European Christian Mission. Saturday was the Men's Breakfast and Ladies Lunch followed in the evening with a meal in different home and sharing our ministry with another few families, then another main session at the church. We were the Featured Missionaries for the evening so we shared about our ministry via a DVD and some reporting. Then Rev. Vincent Price challenged us with the Word once again. On Sunday each Missionary had the opportunity to b

e in Sunday School classes; we attended the 5th & 6th grade class and shared a few aspect of ministry along with information about Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The Worship service followed with our main speaker. We then ate another meal in a different home which was another opportunity to visit and fellowship with two couples. In the Evening Service all the missionaries shared prayer requests and then the "famous" Missionary Choir sang "I Love To Tell the Story." It was then our privilege to join the Childr

en's Conference where we showed slides of our ministry time in Alaska (the kids were anxious to hear an update and see pictures). After heading back to the main session to hear the final words of Rev. Price, we finished the Conference with communion and time at our display. What a privilege to be a part of Edgewood Bible Church's Missionary Conference; a time we look forward to each year. I
t is always exciting to hear how God is working in the hearts of people both at home and abroad.
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