IFCA Regional
Our bi-annual Pastors/Leaders Conference of the Pacific Northwest Regional took place this past Monday-Wednesday at Keizer Community Church just outside of Salem, Oregon. Our keynote speaker was Dr. Art Azurdia, from Western Seminary. His topic may sound a bit unusual, especially when addressing a room full of preachers; "A Clarion Call to a W
orldly Christianity." Sounds like a oxymoron doesn't it? Actually, Dr. Azurdia did a great exposition of John 17:17-19 and reminding us of engaging the culture around us without compromising our biblical standards. As Jesus was sent into the world by His Father, so we too have been commissioned with the same assignment. His second, third and fourth messages, along with a Question and Answer time, can be downloaded from the website, www.eternaltruthworldwide.com.
We always have a great time of fellowship and renewing acquaintances. The folks of Keizer Community Church fed us well and provided for our needs. The ladies had some separate meetings concentrating on the theme, "Ministering with Compassion" while the men had their business and prayer sessions.
Bob had the opportunity of doing a workshop seminar with the Oregon Church Planter on "Getting Involved In Vision America." Bob started the session off by addressing the Purpose and Goal of Vision America. Eric shared about the need for pastors and churches to be involved in Vision America and Church Planting in Washington and Oregon. We had some good
questions and discussion with those who attended. We were all challenged with the need to pray for God's moving in the Northwest.
We also had the privilege of attending a special prayer time, led by Pastor Tim Atkins (he took the picture of Dr. Azurdia above) for Vision America and Church Planting. The goal of IFCA International is to have 100 sponsoring churches involved in planting churches across our country. We have a long way to go yet but God is moving in hearts.
Our next Regional is scheduled for October 5,6,7 at Faith Community Bible Church in Bremerton, Washington with four of our own men sharing from Philippians on the theme, "Preaching the Word."
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