Skeet shooting, rain, & fellowship helped get us prepared for our first annual Leaders Retreat with the new Board of Bonney Lake Community Church. Jeff and I didn't do too bad considering years of not shooting. About 2pm last Friday afternoon the two Pastors; Jeff and Anthony and two Elders; Tim and myself, headed out for Packwood, Washington and the McCoy family six-acre property with a nice big field, creek and plenty of woods. We had some encouraging and uplifting chats in Jeff's VW as we meandered through the back route to Eatonville, Morton and Packwood.
Friday night began with unpacking, getting a fire going and casual fellowship entailing a trip across the creek ending up at the river. Eventually the rain moved us back indoor

s where we had a wonderful "Tritip & Baked Potato" dinner fixed by Tim. As we sat around the fire, Jeff proposed a question for us to consider, "If we could write some history related to the four of us meeting this weekend, what would it look like in 10 years?" He shared his thought and challenged us to consider our thoughts for the next day. We then spent time seeking God for His direction for the weekend and lifted up a number of folks in prayer.
Saturday morning consisted of a great waffle breakfast, recipe from Anna McCoy's grandmother, then a hatchet throwing contest (Anthony won) and a hike to a waterfall with encouraging chats along the way. After lunch we concentrated on Jeff's question with the men sh

aring ideas. One of the main thought that flowed from our discussion is the need for Prayer and God's Word to be a priority in our lives and the folks of Bonney Lake Community Church. We set down some goals and steps for accomplishing this. Bob eventually shared some thoughts on Core Values and Vital Signs/Distinctives for us to consider. We are planning to spend more time on this in the future. Just before leaving we celebrated a short time of communion.
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